Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas eve Dinner at M&M's

Well had a lovely dinner though the amount of wine i tippled in could have put a couple of tankers to shame. At M&M's there was, Megha and Mesh obviously and then some of their friends Shilpa, Shivani and Chang, The biryani was yum, I can see that even if Megha is Punj she has some andhra culture flowing some where or the other,

later in the night get a call from Ranjit, he told me what happened. Excerpts from his blog
Somehow, I managed to get a seat on a seriously low budget bus. It was the worst ride of my life. I thought the bus was going to snap in half most of the way, and being the lowest of low budget bus services, owned and operated by the state, we stopped in all the digyest food pits on the way. Granted, all the food I ate on the triop proved to be harmless, and actually quite good, but the settings were grim.
Get this - the 15 hour bus ride from Bangalore to Cochin cost about 300 Rupees, which is close to 6 or 7 dollars. The two hour taxi ride from Cochin to my Grandfather's house cost 2,500 Rupees, or around 55 dollars. I think I mentioned before that India is a place of stark contrasts.

I did excuse my self from the desert which i heard was yum, see i knew i would start fighting this battle i knew it would be tough. but i will win some day

Ps. I never clicked that photo and you will know why only on a "NEED TO KNOW BASIS

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