Saturday, April 29, 2006

An eclipse at Stans house

The dictionary defines an eclipse as "The partial or complete obscuring, relative to a designated observer, of one celestial body by another".

But am i an english teacher I am not so sure, an eclipse in the definition of the Indira nagar gang is "a situation where in the so called responsible members of a house decide to go out off station and as such us "bevada's & i's" can have an "uninterupted" party with out the cops saying no to dancing or music most important boooooooooooooooze is this right,

its 9 pm and i am in stans house the eclipse has been going on for the last 24 hours but yours truly has been here only for the last couple of hours,. the gang is here as such the focus is purely on booze and food in "he he" copius quantities.

The moral of todays story is how important it is to be on close to land - the guys intend to go parasailing tomorrow.

just heard the bad news a particular character who is too thin to be true us coming in what do i do.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

My first write up @WWW

Sitting at my desk, have been wondering what to do with the free time coz the entire team has gone off to GOA. sulking me thought i might as well start writing. I know I have a little skill unfortunately my wandering mind dosent go along with my fingers. I am dying to check with somebody whether this is some sort of strange form of dyslexia, but another part of me dosent feel like running up to some one else cry saying help help help, coz its the machoistic (shit..&#&#%$^&$#) i cant think of a word and I am harping on the fact that I think have writing skills.

time passes on

well these 8 lines seem to have made me brain dead . 8 lines am i halucinating everything seems to suddenly revolving around getting a hit and that too in anyform. the mind is screaming for some intoxicant, but the body is yelling out its a requiem for a dream STOP STOP STOP.

Whew that phase has finally passed, my palm are clamy and it must be the weather cant be "hot flushes" i think i am getting.

well enough for now.